Today morning as I was running thru my hurried breakfast n was running short of time to reach office, something caught my attention.
For wat fun? A man….a Old Man…who is fighting putting aside his health n risking his life for what??.... Just give it a thought and think twice before you start your day. I think this is kind of worse than Britisher’s rule. Awkward Govt, intelligent and good hearted but Coward Prime Minister, dirty politicians!! Is this wat india attained its independence for?
Time to clean up our nation which is impossible unless u n me stand up. Don’t wait for a Bhagath Singh in the neighborhood I think high time we pull up our socks n show the dirty politicians wat happens when we wake up!
Those of you (includes me) who always felt sorry that we were not around to stand next to Mahatma Gandhi when he was dragged on roads and was charged by laati prahar here is another chance. I am heading to the freedom park. Please do make your presence felt…so that we have a glorious story to tell our children…n proud that we contributed too.
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