I hated the beep sound every time notifying there is a new mail…which means more work just when I was hanging high on moving mountain sort tasks!
I just glanced at the time & noticed that it was 3 PM. I had done total injustice to myself by not feeding even a grain since morning! Frowning I locked my system (I hoped to break it though) & decided to step out ALONE for lunch.
I decided to do something out of routine hence thought of delighting my taste buds with some yum at a fine restaurant ALONE. As I walked my way thru the drizzle the tip tip sound on my umbrella kept me occupied more than the traffic buzz. I grabbed a Mango juice, my company for on the way.
Something caught my attention, a huge yellow school bus halted amidst freaking traffic. A lady curiously leaned inside searching for, I suppose, her baby doll. The helper picked up a sleeping beauty…(may be 4yr ) n the stuff laying around her & handed them over to the mother. The lady carefully laid her princess undisturbed on her shoulder and went through her belongings. She noticed her one ribbon was gone n the school bag was not hers. She exchanged the bag with another beauty’s who all this while had least realized her bag was gone & continued to chat along not bothered again. The helper surfed thru the van n picked up a satin ribbon and handed it over to the lady. Satisfied the mom walked away with the luggage in one hand and her sleeping beauty in other managing an umbrella just enough to guard the little one. I am sure she woke up in her room without a tinge of surprise or wonder how she got there.
As I watched this something mumbled in my thoughts. I reached the restaurant and ignorantly ordered the first thing in the menu & waited for the server to return with my order. Bored n awkward I picked up my mobile to call a friend. Just then I realized my mobile was switched off reminding me the reason for it to be silent with no work related talks all this while.

Strangely the “sleeping beauty” dint put a smile on my face….She instead made me feel restless. I brooded over my strange reaction. As I walked past the kindergarten on to my office…there was an obvious difference in the vibration…I guess stress! Serious ambulance siren that seemed to ring on everyone walking there. Everyone hurrying to…to….to nowhere! A mango when born is ignored but as it ripens it grows sweeter, colorful, attractive & in demand. Something everyone loved the sense when it lingered on your tongue…isn’t this exactly how our lives are supposed to be? In line with nature!? As we grew older the sweetness is somehow missing & instead we are becoming harder & sourer! Have we lost it?